
Cárceles: La situación en América
9/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: Esta página dispone de artículos sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en las cárceles en América Latina....
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Orphans and vulnerable children toolkit
9/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: This toolkit (available as a CD rom and online) contains over 600 documents sharing learning and resources from a...
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Darfur Crisis Alert: impact of the violence on children's education
8/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: In this Crisis Alert, NetAid and the Women's Commission explain the background of the violence in Darfur and show...
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UNICEF Launches New Website for Young People
8/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: UNICEF UK has launched a new website for young people aged 11-18This site has replaced The Rights Site www...
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Mujeres, Ninas, VIH y SIDA
2/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: Una gran variedad de recursos está disponible en ese mismo sito Web y que pueden servir para analizar, planificar...
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Documentation for the 60th session of the General Assembly
26/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: Documents submitted to the GA are available on this website in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and...
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Maintaining momentum to 2015?: an impact evaluation of interventions to improve maternal and child health and nutrition in Bangladesh(16 November 2005
16/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: This report examines the impacts of donor-supported programmes for maternal and child health, nutrition, and...
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Child Rights in Romania (website)
12/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: The purpose of this site is to introduce you to the issue of Child Rights, to explain their importance, and to...
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Child Friendly Cities Website
12/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: The main objective of the CFC Secretariat is to support and strengthen the capacity of cities committed to...
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