
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global Initiative Newsletter 14
24/Nov/2010 Publication
Summary: This issue reports on the achievement of full prohibition in Kenya, lots of newly published research on corporal...
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AFRICA E-NEWSLETTER: Ending Corporal Punishment of Children (issue 2)
23/Sep/2010 Publication
Summary: The highlight of this issue is the news that Tunisia and Kenya have achieved full prohibition of corporal...
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L’élimination des châtiments corporels des enfants:Bulletin Afrique
20/Sep/2010 Publication
Summary: La principale information de ce numéro : la Tunisie et le Kenya sont les premiers Etats d’Afrique àinterdire...
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global Initiative Newsletter 13
11/Aug/2010 Publication
Summary: This issue begins with the announcement of two more countries achieving prohibition in all settings – Tunisia and...
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UN: Human Rights Treaties Division Newsletter No.8, April to June 2010
23/Jul/2010 Publication
Summary: The Newsletter, published by the human rights treaties division, provides in-depth information and analysis on...
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Young Innovations Europe Magazine - June 2010 no.3
12/Jul/2010 Publication
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