
Elimination des châtiments corporels sur les enfants : Bulletin Afrique n°12
7/Aug/2013 Publication
Summary: Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les...
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CRINMAIL 14: Русскоязычная версия
4/Jun/2013 Publication
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children...
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Elimination des châtiments corporels sur les enfants : Bulletin Afrique n°11
10/May/2013 Publication
Summary: Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les...
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AFRICA E-NEWSLETTER: Ending Corporal Punishment of Children
8/May/2013 Publication
Summary: This issue features a number of national resources, which establish the prevalence of corporal punishment of...
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global Initiative newsletter 23
8/May/2013 Publication
Summary: A new report on the European Union, a new review of research on the effects of corporal punishment, new laws...
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CRINMAIL 13: Русскоязычная версия
2/May/2013 Publication
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children...
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CRINMAIL 1: Русскоязычная версия
8/Apr/2013 Publication
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children...
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