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The effects of terrorism and counter-terrorism measures on the enjoyment of children’s rights
25/Oct/2016 Publication
With terrorist acts making the news almost every day, the threat of terrorism and the means to fight it are becoming a key...
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Protection of the rights of the child and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
14/Oct/2016 Publication
Children are affected by all of the sustainable development goals, whether poverty, hunger, inequality or climate change....
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3/Oct/2016 CRINmail
Boletín Especial con una actualización de qué ha hecho la Iglesia en los últimos dos años en materia de abuso clerical a niños.
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UNITED KINGDOM: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
21/Sep/2016 Publication
Life imprisonment in various forms is a lawful sentence in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland for offences...
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INDIA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing
21/Sep/2016 Publication
Since the enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2013 in Jammu and Kashmir, life...
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PAKISTAN: Submission to the ICCPR on inhuman sentencing of children in Pakistan
4/Aug/2016 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 118th session of the Human Rights Committee, for the adoption of the list of...
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ENVIRONMENT: CRIN submission for the CRC's Day of General Discussion on 'children’s rights and the environment'
29/Jul/2016 Publication
The submission contributes information on the different aspects of children’s access to justice in relation to rights violations resulting from environmental damage.  
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11/Jul/2016 Basic page
Discución de ideas e inicio de debates. 
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission for the Secretary-General's report on the death penalty 2016
14/Apr/2016 Publication
CRIN is campaigning for the abolition of inhuman sentencing of children, defined to include the death penalty, corporal...
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CHILD RIGHTS: CRIN submission for the CRC general comment on street children
12/Apr/2016 Publication
This submission aims to contribute information on rights violations affecting children in street situations which have yet...
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