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SOUTH SUDAN: MSF accuses UN of 'indifference'
10/Apr/2014 News
MSF has accused the UN in South Sudan of showing "shocking indifference" towards displaced people sheltering at one of its compounds.
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IRAK: Se prevé legalizar el matrimonio entre niños de 9 años
10/Apr/2014 News
El proyecto de ley, que establece nuevas reglas matrimoniales e introduce nuevas restricciones religiosas.
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SENEGAL: Law bans 10-year-old rape victim from aborting twins
7/Apr/2014 News
Efforts of human rights campaigners thwarted by Napoleonic law allowing abortion only in life-or-death circumstances.
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CAEDBE : ouverture de la 23è session ordinaire
7/Apr/2014 News
Le Comité africain d'experts sur les droits de l'enfant ouvre ce lundi 7 avril sa 23è session ordinaire à Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie. Celle-ci durera jusqu'au 16 avril.
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PAKISTAN: Nine-month-old baby accused of attempted murder
7/Apr/2014 News
Police in Lahore province charge baby with planning a murder, threatening police and interfering with state affairs.
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RDC : Grandir dans la guerre – les enfants-soldats
7/Apr/2014 News
 Kiwanja, province du Nord-Kivu, 3 avril 2014 (IRIN) - Les Nations Unies ont décrit le recrutement d’enfants soldats en RDC comme un problème « systémique ».
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DISCRIMINATION: Respect for the human rights of Roma is an unfulfilled promise, say activists
7/Apr/2014 News
On the eve of International Roma Day on 8 April, human rights group documents the discrimination that still continues against Roma people.
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РОССИЯ: Детей мигрантов заставят сдавать отпечатки пальцев
4/Apr/2014 News
МОСКВА, 4 апр — РИА Новости. Федеральная миграционная служба намерена снимать отпечатки пальцев у детей мигрантов,...
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SYRIA: More than 150,000 killed in conflict, say activists
3/Apr/2014 News
More than 150,000 people, including nearly 7,985 children, have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011, a monitoring group has said.
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CROACIA: Tribunal constitucional decide que vacunas son obligatorias para niños
3/Apr/2014 News
[27 de marzo de 2014] - El Tribunal Constitucional de Croacia ha decretado que todos los niños y las niñas nacidos en el...
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