Ombudsman for Children in Sweden

• Promotes the rights and interests of children and young people as set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the CRC)
• Monitors the implementation of the CRC
• Promotes the application of the CRC in the work of government agencies, municipalities and county councils
• Disseminates information on the CRC

About the Children’s Ombudsman

In Sweden, children and young people up to the age of 18 have their own ombudsman. The Children’s Ombudsman is appointed by the Swedish Government for a term of six years. The current Ombudsman, Lena Nyberg, was appointed in 2001 and is in charge of the Office of the Children’s Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman’s main duty is to promote the rights and interests of children and young people as set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the CRC).

The agency monitors the implementation of the CRC in Sweden. For instance the Ombudsman submits bills for legislative changes to the Swedish Government and promotes the application of the CRC in the work of government agencies, municipalities and county councils. The agency also disseminates information on the Convention.

A key duty of the Children’s Ombudsman is to participate in public debate, promote public interest regarding key issues, and influence the attitudes of decision-makers and the public. However, the Ombudsman does not supervise other authorities and, by law, may not interfere in individual cases.

In order to find out their views and opinions the Ombudsman maintains regular contact with children and young people. The Ombudsman visits children in schools and youth clubs, and children can get in touch with the Ombudsman by letter, phone and through this website. Twice a year the Ombudsman obtains the responses of a number of “contact classes” to a questionnaire survey. The Children’s Ombudsman also has several children’s councils and one youth council.

Each year the Children’s Ombudsman submits a report to the Government. This report addresses the situation of children and young people in Sweden, for example their opportunities and problems.

Contact the Children’s Ombudsman:
Box 22106
104 22 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 (0)8-692 29 50
Fax: +46 (0)8-654 62 77
E-mail: [email protected]


Contact Details: 
Norr Malarstrand 6 Box 22 106 S- 104 22 Stockholm Sweden Sweden Tel: +46 8 692 2950 Fax: +46 8 65 46 277