Sexual harassment and abuse - an issue for the children and youth organisations?

Summary: This report is based on the contributions from all the participants at the seminar in Norway, and the concrete experiences and tools that have been developed in a project called Safe! run by LNU in 2003.

The Norwegian Youth Council (LNU) and the Danish Youth Council (DUF) have been concerned about the issue of sexual abuse in children and youth organisations for many years. Based on our common experiences and knowledge we took the initiative to hold an international training seminar in Oslo, in November 2003. Our goal with the seminar was to raise the knowledge and awareness on these issues and inspire organisations to take action, and promote good leadership to prevent abuse and harassment. The report is divided into three parts focusing on issues at different levels:

I. First, we present international challenges regarding sexual exploitation and abuse of children; some of the conventions, laws, organisations and institutions working to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse internationally; and examples of what children and youth organisations can do at a local level. This part is based on contributions from experts and participants at the seminar in Norway.

II. Secondly, we present challenges for children and youth organisations to deal with suspicion of abuse or actual abuse towards a member, focusing on knowledge needed and the role of the leader to prevent and take care of situations that might occur. Examples from Norwegian organisations show the importance of rules and guidelines in our work. This part of the report is primarily based on the experiences from the project Safe! in Norway.

III. In the last part we present some tools for the organisations to facilitate concrete action and activities to raise awareness in your organisation to prevent sexual abuse and harassment, both internationally and in your own local environment. This part of the report is based on games and exercises we used in the seminar and that has been developed in the project Safe! To find solutions we have to start talking about the problems - dare to see and dare to care!




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