Risk factors, pathways and outcomes for youth released from juvenile detention centres in São Paulo, Brazil

Problem and justification

Youth who come in conflict with the law are in special need of protection. Their rights may be violated before, during and after their encounter with the law. Those youth who have been incarcerated are at particularly high risk for poor outcomes including re-incarceration, exposure to violence, substance abuse, and premature death. There are many concerns about youth in conflict with the law in Brazil, particularly in São Paulo.

There are reports of increasing youth incarceration and high rates of death among youth leaving incarceration. Unfortunately, little is known about what leads to such poor outcomes for these youth in this setting and what changes are required to improve their outcomes. A focused investigation of this population will guide evidenced-informed planning that will improve outcomes for these vulnerable youth and strengthen the realization of their rights.

Key findings and recommendations for decision makers
This project explores the exposures and outcomes of youth who have come into conflict with the law and experienced an incarceration in São Paulo, Brazil. The rights of such youth may not be realized before, during and after incarceration in juvenile detention centres. They represent an important marginalized group of youth for whom greater study is required and interventions needed to improve their life outcomes and the realization of their rights.

This CIDA-funded study was composed of four components: (i) a cross sectional study of youth incarcerated in detention facilities in São Paulo, Brazil, (ii) a follow-up of these youth one year after they were discharged from the detention centres, (iii) indepth interviews with a subsample of these youth and their parents, and (iv) the production of a video about and by youth who had had such experiences.

Further information

This report was part of the Canadian International Development Agency's (CIDA) child protection research fund.

Owner: McMaster University, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, University of Calgarypdf: http://www.crin.org/docs/Brazil_CIDA_Full_Report.doc


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