Recommendations for priority actions to forum secretariat for inclusion in the Pacific plan
That regional organisations support countries to review policy and legislation in line with CRC obligations.
That the next Ministers of Education forum address Violence against Children in Schools and recommendations in this regard from this consultation.
That regional organisations work with the Council of Pacific Education to support Ministries of Education to take CRC into schools.
That all Pacific Ministers forums address Violence against Children and recommendations from this consultation.
That regional organisations support and encourage Pacific Island Countries to ratify the Optional Protocols to CRC on the involvement of children in armed conflict, the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.
That a regional follow up meeting, involving governments, non government organisations, inter-government organisations and children as full delegates, on addressing violence against children be organised in 12 to 18 months time by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and SPC, with support from UNICEF and the outcomes be raised at the Forum Leaders Meeting.
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