HRC 13: NGO Statement in support of the OP to the CRC

Summary: Joint oral statement on behalf of International Save the Children Alliance, Kindernothilfe, World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Plan International, SOS Children's Villages International, Terre des hommes International Federation, World Vision International , the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN), the Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment, the NGO Group for the CRC and Human Rights Watch.


Thank you Mr President.

The following statement is made on behalf of 15 NGOs representing over 80 NGOs.

Mr President,

We welcome the outcome report of the Open-ended Working Group and the presentation and conclusions made by its Chairperson, and fully support his conclusions.

The issue of whether we should start drafting such a new Protocol really comes down to one question: are children rights holders or not?

With 193 ratifications of the CRC, the international community has affirmed its commitment to each of the provisions of this unique instrument. However, as recalled by numerous States and experts during the December session, “for rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations”.

Elaborating a communications procedure for the CRC is the only way to fill the obvious gap in international communications procedures and show that children, just like all other human beings, have the right to seek a remedy for violations of their rights before a Committee expert in their rights.

It is also an important way to ensure that children have a remedy for violations of any of their rights when domestic justice systems fail them.

And finally it is vital to demonstrate that States take their obligations under the CRC seriously and truly recognise children as full rights-holders.

No State voiced opposition to the proposal for a communications procedure for the CRC during the Working Group's session, which means, to our understanding, that States agree that children are genuine rights holders and should have their own communications procedure.

Mr Chair,

Moving to the drafting stage of this new Optional Protocol now will allow to address substantive issues and avoid spending additional resources in prolonged general discussions.

As the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stressed: “We need to translate our commitment, engagement and work on children's rights into a tangible reality for each and every one of them”. We hope that the Human Rights Council will now give the Open-ended Working Group the mandate to start creating the necessary third Optional Protocol at the end of the present session – a tangible and real demonstration of its commitment to children.

Thank you.

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