EUROPE: Eurochild's proposals for the development of the EU's strategy on the rights of the child

The entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, which recognizes children's rights among the EU's objectives and embodies the EU Fundamental Rights Charter, reinforces the grounds for further EU action. An EU strategy does not create new EU competences on children's rights as the primary responsibility for their safeguard rests with national governments. But it does provide an important framework to ensure children's rights are promoted and protected in all EU policies and actions.

In this position paper, Eurochild:

  • Addresses the strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the 2006
  • Communication;
  • Highlights the potential added-value of an EU child rights strategy;Outlines proposals on the content of the EU child rights strategy;
  • Suggests possible next steps.

Further information




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