CHILD LABOUR: Rural child labour in Andean countries: problems and solutions

Summary: IREWOC conducted a research project in two Andean counties, Bolivia and Peru, in 2008. In each country, child labour on small family farms was compared with child labour on commercial plantations. The research has produced knowledge on rural child labour that looks beyond quantitative numbers, and which identifies the (context) specific needs of the children and their caretakers.

This is the summary report of the IREWOC project "Rural child labour in the Andes". The individual country reports are available from

According to its global report The End of Child Labour: Within Reach, the ILO estimates that 218 million children in the world work, of which 126 million in hazardous working conditions. SIMPOC/ILO estimates that 69 per cent of all working children work in agriculture. In Latin-America 5.7 million children are involved in child labour, and again, the majority work in rural areas (70 per cent). Although rural child labour in many Latin-American countries has been the subject of research and policy measures, the Andean region, which is one of the poorest regions of Latin-America, has been mostly overlooked.

IREWOC therefore conducted a research project in two Andean counties, Bolivia and Peru, in 2008. In each country, child labour on small family farms was compared with child labour on commercial plantations. The main research population included the children engaged in rural forms of child labour, their parents and (N)GO staff working with this target group. The research has produced knowledge on rural child labour informed by ground reality that looks beyond quantitative numbers, and which identifies the (context) specific needs of the children and their caretakers. The research explored the different forms of rural child labour and documented the opinions of the children, caretakers and development workers on the possible solutions to the problems.

This project was financed by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and PLAN Netherlands.

Owner: Marten van den Berge & Laura Baaspdf: Child Labour in Andean Countries_summary bundle_final.pdf


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