Syrian Women Oservatory

fighting all forms of discrimination against woman, focusing on violence against women
fighting all forms of violence against children
integration of persons with disabilities and fighting violence against them
adopting human rights and citizenship principals in the Observatory work and raising the public awareness of them

يهدف مرصد نساء سوريا الي

مناهضة التمييز ضد المرأة وخاصة العنف

مناهضة العنف ضد الأطفال بكافة أشكاله

دمج المعوقين ومناهضة العنف ضدهم

تبني ونشر مفاهيم حقوق الإنسان والمواطنة في كافة أوجه عمل المرصد

Syria's womenSWO

Key information

Operation level:
Works with age groups:
Organisation type:


Organisation mandate

, Children 5 - 18

CRIN does not accredit or validate any of the organisations listed in our directory. The views and activities of the listed organisations do not necessarily reflect the views or activities of CRIN's coordination team.