Lawyers For Human Rights And Legal Aid

The LHRLA is committed to offering
legal services where violations of
fundamental human rights are
observed and the provision of legal
aid where cases of merit lack the
financial backing to conduct court
It has done considerable work in the
area of prevention of illegal
detention, trafficking of women and
children, state sanctioned torture,
Counselling for abused women and
children, legal education to prisoners
under detention to make them
aware of their rights and procedures
of relevant applications. It not only
provides legal aid and conducts
cases on behalf of human rights
victims but also documents facts and
cases creating a useful database
open for consultation and reference
by the media, students and any
other individuals and organisations.
It has undertaken extensive work
towards the repeal and
counteraction of the Hudood
Ordinance, a set of laws
discriminatory in practice towards
women. In conjunction with the local
and international media it has
worked for creating an awareness
about relevant and often much
neglected issues. It has held
numerous seminars and workshops
and initiated para-legal training
sessions to generate a mass
mobilisation schem in different parts
of the country. Such activities have
created a ripple chain effect with the
result that interest in the
development, awareness and
capacity building has been sparked
with many other NGO's and
organisations. Through various
publications and domestic and
international interest it assumes the
role of a public watchdog often
pressing for change in the form of a
pressure group and recently having
been approached as a consultative
body for policy formulation by the
current government. LHRA is on the
verge of launching a fist of its kind in
Pakistan, Abused Women and
Children Hotline Service to cater to
the need to providing free
Counselling, assistance and
documentation of victims of abuse.


Key information

Operation level:
Works with age groups:
Organisation type:
NGO - non governmental organisation


Organisation mandate

, Children 0 - 18

CRIN does not accredit or validate any of the organisations listed in our directory. The views and activities of the listed organisations do not necessarily reflect the views or activities of CRIN's coordination team.