Submitted by crinadmin on
KidsRights provides support to vulnerable children worldwide. KidsRights generates attention and money for the children. Attention by giving a voice to the voiceless. Money to support successful existing local organizations that provide immediate and tailor-made help for these children. Children who are missing one or more of a child’s five basic necessities: health care, food, shelter, education The International children’s Peace Prize, a KidsRights initiative, is awarded since 2005 to a child who has made an extraordinary contribution to the Rights of the Child. The Prize money of 100.000 Euros is given to a direct aid project in the spirit of the young winner’s work. A special Peace Prize for children encourages and supports children in their fight for a better life and sets the spotlight upon the world’s most important problems affecting
children today. It also calls on all of us to do what we can to improve the circumstances of vulnerable children around the world. It amplifies the scale of impact that these children already have and gives them the power to actually make a difference on a large scale. Each year the winning child brings along a theme to the International Children’s Peace Prize. Last year, the theme was “The right to education”. All the media attention the Prize generated has helped put this theme on the political and social agenda again, in the winner’s country Zambia and far beyond.