Submitted by crinadmin on
Handicap International is an
organisation which aims to help
disabled people and their families in
countries suffering from armed
conflict, natural disasters or great
need. The organisation has opted for
a global politic of intervention to
better integrate all problems caused
by disability.Handicap International's mission
consists of providing assistance to
persons with a disability in the area
of prevention, rehabilitation and
development. The sectors of
intervention are adapted to the local
situation and vary from physical
(physical therapy, prosthetic
workshops) to socio-economic
projects (integration, self-help
groups, and income generation).
In order to be in concordance with its
global mandate, the organisation
had decided to extend its field of
technical competencies to join the
battle to destroy the millions of
landmines, bombies and other
unexploded ordnance that continue
to affect the daily lives of so many
innocent people.
Handicap International ensures that
projects become self-sufficient as
soon as possible by training local
staff and using appropriate
materials. The organisation is
working in close co-operation with
local ministries and agencies with
particular attention to capacity
Programmes in Lao:
-Technical assistance and
institutional support to physical
therapy departments of national and
provincial hospitals in the Lao PDR
-Survey project for disabled people:
Provide information about
prevalence, socio-economic situation,
needs of persons with disabilities
and their families and resources
-Self-help group for people with
disabilities: Main objective to support
disabled people in full and equal
participation in society by advocacy,
access to education, and
professional and social activities.
-Capacity building of the Lao National
UXO programme for the
establishment, management and co-
ordination of Unexploded Ordnance
clearance operations.