Submitted by crinadmin on is a
virtual gathering place and resource
center for innovators from around
the world who are passionate about
global population and reproductive
health. Membership is free and
members include people of all ages,
countries, and viewpoints.
This online non-profit organisation is
designed to connect and empower
young leaders working in global
population and reproductive health.
he founders of the Global Action
Network have created a mechanism
to engage, support and expand a
growing constituency of young
leaders in the field. The Global Action
Network will improve reproductive
health programs by diversifying the
group of individuals working in the
field and providing leadership
development and opportunities that
will build capacity, improve programs,
expand mobility, and increase
It has a mandate to connect,
educate, and empower young people
working in the global population and
reproductive health field.
Particular areas of specialisation are
reproductive health, global
population and rights.