Defence for Children International Netherlands

Defence for Children International is an inde­pendent interna­tional organi­sation. Its main focus is the promotion of chil­dren's rights and imple­mentati­on of the UN Conventi­on on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20th 1989. Defence for Children Interna­tional is a centre for study, action, docu­men­tation and lobbying in the domain of chil­dren's rights. It has national sections in more than 40 coun­tries.

Themes in the work of Defence for Children International Netherlands are:

  • Information on children’s rights in general
  • Alien policy and children’s rights
  • Abuse and exploitation of children
  • Juvenile justice
  • Child protection
  • Child abduction

Defence for Children International NederlandDCI-NL

Key information

Operation level:
Works with age groups:
Organisation type:


Organisation mandate

, Children 0 - 18

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