UK: Landmark report reveals barriers to government delivery for children in Northern Ireland

[23 November 2011] - A landmark report, ‘Barriers to Effective Government Delivery for Children in Northern Ireland’ has been launched by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY). The report is the result of a project undertaken by Dr Bronagh Byrne and Professor Laura Lundy from the School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK and was commissioned by NICCY earlier this year.

The report identifies a range of barriers to the development and implementation of policies and strategies for children and young people in Northern Ireland. It highlights that while there are a number of positive gains in respect of government delivery for children in Northern Ireland, a number of significant barriers remain with respect to: commitment to children’s rights; coordination and joined up government, delays in policy development and implementation; translating strategic visions into specific and measurable outcomes; training and awareness around children’s rights; data collection and disaggregation; child impact assessment and evaluation; resourcing; and engagement with children in the development and implementation of policies and strategies.

Based on these findings, the report makes a number of recommendations, including the need for a more consistent application of a children’s rights framework to policy development and implementation and that consideration be given to a statutory duty to co-operate at both central government and intra agency level.

Dr Byrne said: “The research has identified concrete examples of good practice which must be encouraged; however it is crucial that the issues identified in the report are addressed so that the rights to which children and young people are entitled can become reality.“

Ms Lewsley-Mooney, Commissioner for Children and Young People concluded: “Some good practice has been identified in this report, but on the whole it does not paint a positive picture of government delivery for children. However, although it clearly identifies the barriers to effective delivery for children, it also provides advice on how to break through those barriers.”

For more information on the report, please contact Dr Bronagh Byrne, [email protected] 


Further Information:

pdf: Barriers Report - 3 Nov 11 (body pages).pdf


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