Submitted by crinadmin on
Timing A high-level segment (HLS) will take place during the first week of the session. It will begin on Monday, 19 June 2006, in the morning and last from 2 to 4 days, depending on the number of speakers. Location The Salle des Assemblées would be the venue for the meetings. To facilitate the proceedings, the Council will hold its opening session in the morning of 19 June, also in the Salle des Assemblées. Definition Dignitaries, to be determined by the respective State, are usually considered to be government representatives of ministerial or higher rank. Given a number of high level meetings taking place outside Geneva, dignitaries at the level of Vice-Ministers will also be allowed to inscribe on the list of speakers for the HLS. Additionally, heads of specialised agencies, programmes and intergovernmental organisations, including regional organisations, will also be provided an opportunity to address the HLS after States representatives. When speaking in the Salle des Assemblées, all dignitaries will address the Council from the rostrum located on the podium. List of speakers The list of speakers will be prepared by the secretariat taking into consideration the preferences registered by the concerned delegations. The list will be drawn up in chronological order of receipt of requests and due consideration will be given to the level of the participants. Thus, for planning purposes, interested Permanent Missions are requested to express a preferred date/time (at least 2 options) for the intervention by their respective dignitaries during the HLS. It is anticipated that the deadline for indicating a preferred date/time will be Monday, 5 June 2006. Inscriptions on the list of speakers should be addressed to: Ms. Bourhil Laïla Speaking-time limits Given the short duration of the 1st session and the high number of dignitaries who may address it, giving due respect to their rank, it would be preferable if dignitaries were to speak for up to 10 minutes. For planning purposes, slots of ten minutes will be established. This should not prejudge any decision that may be taken for future sessions of the Council. Rights of reply and points of order Since statements by dignitaries during the HLS are part of the general debate, States have the possibility to disagree with the statement. The normal channels for such disagreement are: In accordance with rule 113 of the rules of procedure of the GA, a speaker may not, in raising a point of order, speak on the substance of the matter under discussion. Consequently, the President will not allow the use of points of order to express disagreement with or provide any argument in favour of or against questions of substance raised by dignitaries. Rights of reply will be limited to two replies of three minutes for the first and two minutes for the second and all rights of reply will be exercised at the end of the meeting, at the end of the day or at the end of the HLS. Timetable It cannot be excluded that some gaps may arise between the time slots allotted to dignitaries. Should a gap arise, the proceedings will continue with the next speaker. Therefore, delegations should be prepared to speak sooner than expected. Parallel activities No parallel activities will be programmed during the HLS. Further information
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