UN GA Resolution 2007: The Rights of the Child (incl the establishment of the SRSG on VAC)

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The section below is the extract from the resolution which establishes the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children.

58. Requests the Secretary-General to appoint for a period of three years a
Special Representative on violence against children, at the highest possible level,
after which the mandate should be evaluated, including with regard to its funding,
and ensure that the necessary support is made available to the Special
Representative for the effective performance of his/her mandate, encourages the
United Nations Children’s Fund, the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization and the
International Labour Organization to cooperate with and provide support to the
Special Representative, including financial, and calls upon States and institutions
concerned, and invites the private sector, to provide voluntary contributions for that

59. Recommends that the Special Representative, taking care to avoid
duplication with relevant United Nations mechanisms and treaty bodies:
(a) Act as a high-profile and independent global advocate to promote the
prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children in all regions,
acting as a catalyst to stimulate the engagement of Member States and civil society
to prevent and respond to violence against children, keeping the issue high on the
international agenda and maintaining the attention to the issue of violence against
children achieved through the process of the Secretary-General’s study on violence
against children;
(b) Promote and support, in cooperation with Member States, the
implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence
against children, where appropriate, recommending measures, ways and means at
the national, regional and international levels to eliminate violence against children
and its causes and to remedy its consequences, promoting and ensuring country
ownership of national plans and programmes in this regard;
(c) Identify and share good practices to prevent and respond to violence
against children, between States and across regions, assist Member States in their
efforts to develop more comprehensive and systematic data collection on violence
against children, and ensure cross-fertilization of experiences between the various
sectors addressing violence against children, including those focused on human
rights, child protection, well-being, development, public health and education;
(d) Work closely and cooperate fully with relevant United Nations treaty
bodies and mechanisms, including, but not limited to, the Committee on the Rights
of the Child and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children
and Armed Conflict, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child
prostitution and child pornography and the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in
persons, especially in women and children, within their respective mandates,
building upon existing inter-agency structures, and bearing in mind the ongoing
process of the reviewing of mandates in the Human Rights Council;
(e) Also work closely and cooperate with the United Nations system and the
existing mandates of United Nations funds and programmes and specialized
agencies that have responsibilities in the area of violence against children, in
particular those that are members of the Inter-Agency Group on Violence against
(f) Establish a mutually supportive collaboration with civil society,
including relevant non-governmental organizations and the private sector, and work
to promote the increased involvement of children and young people in initiatives to
prevent and respond to violence against children;

60. Urges Governments and requests the specialized agencies, relevant
United Nations organs that work in the area of violence against children and
regional, intergovernmental and civil society organizations, including
non-governmental organizations, as well as relevant United Nations mechanisms
and treaty bodies, including the Committee on the Rights of the Child, to cooperate
with the Special Representative and to provide information, where appropriate, on
the measures adopted to ensure and respect the rights of children to be protected
from violence;

61. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence
against children, upon her/his appointment, and the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to cooperate and coordinate
their activities in carrying out their respective mandates, bearing in mind their
complementarity, in order to ensure that no child at risk of violence, in any
situation, including situations of armed conflict, foreign occupation, genocide,
crimes against humanity, war crimes, terrorism or hostage-taking, or where
peacekeeping operations are deployed, is left uncovered;

62. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence
against children to report annually to the General Assembly, the Human Rights
Council and the Economic and Social Council and to ensure that this reporting
contains relevant, accurate and objective information on violence against children,
taking into account the views of Member States and observers, the outcome of the
special sessions of the General Assembly on children and the Secretary-General’s
study on violence against children, bearing in mind existing mandates;




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