Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Read full Constitution here.

Sections relating to children:

Article 35. The Right of Access to Education
(1) The right of access to education is put into effect through the compulsory comprehensive public school system, lyceal (public secondary school) and vocational education, as well as the higher education system, and other forms of instruction and training.
(2) The State will enforce under the law the right of each person to choose his/her language in which teaching will be effected.
(3) In all forms of educational institutions the study of the country's official language will be ensured.
(4) State public education is free.
(5) All educational institutions, including those that are not financed by the state, shall be established and function under the rule of law.
(6) Higher education institutions have the right to be autonomous.
(7) The access to lyceal, vocational and higher education is equally open to all and is based on personal merit.
(8) The State ensures under the law the freedom of religious education. The State ensures a lay education.
(9) The priority right of choosing an appropriate educational background for childern lies with the parents.

Article 48. Family
(1) The family is the natural and fundamental constituent of society, and as such has the right to be protected by the State and by society.
(2) The family is founded on the freely consented marriage of husband and wife, on the spouses equality of rights and on the duty of parents to ensure their children's upbringing and education.
(3) The law shall establish under which conditions a marriage may be concluded, terminated or annulled.
(4) Children have a duty to look af ter their parents and help them in need.

Article 49. Protection of Family and Orphaned Children
(1) By economic and other actions the State shall support the formation and development of families, and the fulfillment of their duties.
(2) The State shall protect the motherhood, the children and the young and promote the development of the institutions required to put that protection into effect.
(3) All efforts aimed at maintaining bringing up and educating orphaned children and those children deprived of parental care constitute the responsibility of the State and of society. The State promotes and supports charitable activities for the benefit of these children.

Article 50. Protection of Mothers, Children and Young People
(1) Mothers and children have the right of receiving special protection and care. All children, including those born out of wedlock, shall enjoy the benefits of the same social assistance.
(2) Children and young people enjoy a special form of assistance in the enforcement or their rights.
(3) The State shall grant the required allowances for children and the aid needed for the care of sick or disabled children. The law shall provide for other forms of social assistance for children and the young.
(4) Both the exploitation of minors and their misuse in activities endangering their health, moral conduct, life or normal development are forbidden.
(5) It is the duty of the public authorities to establish the conditions enabling the young people to take part freely in the social, economic, cultural and sporting life of the country.





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