US Government Evidence Summit on Protecting Children Outside of Family Care

Children in the most dire straits are those outside of family care – those living on the streets or in institutions, trafficked, participating in armed groups, or exploited for their labour. Children in such circumstances often experience abuse, neglect, lack of stimulation, and extreme and toxic stress – all of which have a profoundly negative impact on a child’s development and adult outcomes.

Recognising that all governments need evidence to inform efficacious, effective, and sustainable policies, strategies, and programmes to care for vulnerable children, the U.S. Government is convening an Evidence Summit on Protecting Children Outside of Family Care on December 12-13, 2011 in Washington, DC. The Summit will bring together leading researchers as well as technical experts to assess the evidence to inform policies, strategies and programs relevant to protecting children outside of family care in lower- and middle-income countries and identify evidence gaps to shape the future research agenda.

Expected outcomes from the Summit include:

  1. clarity on evidence to inform policies, strategies and programmes relevant to protecting children outside of family care; and
  2. identification of evidence gaps to shape the US government research agenda.

The Summit will lead to the establishment of programming principles for US government assistance to children outside of family care. An evidence-to-action strategy will be developed following the Summit to ensure application of the principles, implement evidence-based best practices, and address critical knowledge gaps in US government-funded initiatives.




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