Training Programme: Inter-American and Universal Systems for the Protection of Human Rights

The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), the American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), will organise the second course on the Inter-American and the Universal human rights protection systems, parallel to de 126th session of the IACHR in Washington DC.

The course on the Inter-American and the Universal Systems for the Protection of Human Rights has been designed to empower NGOs in defining and implementing their strategies in the use of the Inter-American and the UN human rights procedures by bringing active and experienced human rights defenders from the Americas to Washington during the sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), one of the main organs of the inter-American system.


The main objective of the course is to empower organisations in the region by training a representative of their choice. The course is designed for human rights defenders and organisations that

  • are using or have used the protection system and need more technical training and advice on the use of the system;
  • want to use the inter-American or the universal system and need technical training on the use of them.


There are up to 20 trainees places. Applicants should be from the Americas.

The main themes of the training course are:

  • Introduction to international human rights
  • The Inter-American human rights system
  • The Universal human rights system
  • Comparative analyses of regional and universal systems
  • Presenting cases before the UN: treaty bodies
  • The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: trends, agenda and methods of work
  • The Inter-American Court on Human Rights
  • Case system in the inter-American system, rules of procedure and evidence
  • Hearings
  • Jurisprudence. Most important decisions of the IACHR
  • Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the IACHR
  • The victims
  • Follow up. Implementation of the decisions of the IACHR
  • Using the case law as standard setting tool at national level


Closing date for applications: 20 July 2006

For more information, contact:
International Service for Human Rights
Rue de Varembé 1, P.O. Box 16, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 733 51 23
Email: [email protected]

More information




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