Summary: The Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY) currently have a call for papers focused on children and youth for volume 14 of their annual journal. Scholars from around the world are invited to submit completed papers addressing areas of research, theory, and policy regarding children and youth.
The editors of SSCY (annual volume published by Emerald Publishing, UK) invite completed papers focused on children and youth for volume 14, to be published in the spring of 2011. The Series Co-editors, David A. Kinney and Loretta E. Bass, seek to include papers that are timely and in need of critical examination in the areas of research, theory, and policy regarding children and youth. The SSCY volume has a history of publishing work from diverse theoretical and methodological orientations, and welcomes contributions by scholars from around the world. Contributions are peer-reviewed by the series editors, members of the editorial board, and other researchers. Submission deadline is June 1, 2010. Submit papers electronically (less than 30 manuscript pages in length) to Loretta Bass at [email protected], or in hardcopy to SSCY, Loretta Bass, 780 Van Vleet Oval, 331 KH, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. Further information
Global: Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY)
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