Summary: The Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) will hold the 3rd CSBR Sexuality Institute from 18-25 September 2010.
The Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) is pleased to announce the 3rd CSBR Sexuality Institute 2010 to be held between September 18th and 25th 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Designed as a comprehensive curriculum on sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and rights with an in depth discussion on the linkages between research and practice, the CSBR Sexuality Institute offers a holistic interdisciplinary program combining history, theory, research and politics of sexuality with applications of advocacy, and fieldwork. Deadline for applications: May 21, 2010. About the 3rd CSBR Sexuality Institute 2010 Aim About the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) Organization of the Institute & Faculty The CSBR Institute faculty consists of internationally renowned experts in the field of sexuality. Issues addressed will include a conceptual and historical framework of sexuality; contemporary discourses and debates around sexuality, sexual and reproductive rights; sexuality in Muslim societies; sexual diversities; sexuality and human rights; sexuality education; sexual and reproductive health; HIV/AIDS; youth sexuality; national and international advocacy on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The CSBR Institute will also incorporate sessions focused on application and experience-sharing including roundtables featuring participants’ work on sexuality; as well as a panel with Indonesian activists. To apply complete the application form and return it with a C.V. to [email protected] by May 21, 2010. Further information
The CSBR Sexuality Institute brings together leading sexual and reproductive rights activists, academics and researchers. Held previously in Malaysia (2008) and Turkey (2009) with participants from 19 countries throughout Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the The CSBR Sexuality Institute will include lectures, group work, roundtables, panels, site visits and film screenings, as well as a methodology to engage participants’ own experiences around sexuality.
The realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights is an integral part of gender equality, development and social justice. However, sexuality continues to be a contested site of political struggles both in Muslim societies and across the globe. Increasing global militarism, conservatism, and nationalism over the last decades provoked a serious backlash on sexual and reproductive health and rights, both at national and global levels. Given the current polarisations, it is more pertinent than ever to strengthen critical insight, further research, enhance knowledge and capacity on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and build an inclusive and affirmative discourse on sexuality.
In the above mentioned context, the aims of the CSBR Sexuality Institute are:
Founded in 2001, the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) is an international solidarity network of organizations, and academic institutions working to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights as human rights in Muslim Societies. CSBR includes institutional members from Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, the Philippines, the Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, and Yemen. Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR) – New Ways (, co-founder of the Coalition, acts as the international coordination office of CSBR. As the only international network working on sexual and bodily rights in Muslim societies, CSBR has played a pivotal role in terms of advocacy, activism and research on sexual and bodily health and rights in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. CSBR has succeeded in creating an alternative discourse and progressive spaces around sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies.
The Institute is designed as an intense 6 day participatory training with 20 participants. Applications will be reviewed by the CSBR Training Committee. The language of the CSBR Institute will be English. Travel and accommodation costs for participants from the South will be covered by the CSBR Institute. All participants from the North are required to pay for full tuition and travel costs.
Global: The 3rd Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) Sexuality Institute
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