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The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) assists countries pursuing accountability for past mass atrocity or human rights abuse. The Center works in societies emerging from repressive rule or armed conflict, as well as in established...
Promouvoir la formation professionnelle et l'éducation de base. Encourager la scolarisation des jeunes filles. Lutter contre la déscolarisation et l'analphabétisation. Former la jeunesse sur le développement au Togo et dans monde Participer...
The mission of the Center for the Human Rights of Children is to represent, coordinate, and stimulate efforts to understand, protect and apply the human rights of children in the face of injustice and poverty of body, mind, and spirit.
Legal and pshycho-social assistance for victims of human trafficking, asylum seekers, refugees wioth a special focus on children and women.
PANGAEA is an independent publishing
house founded in 1991 to focus on the
natural history of the Earth and on her
PANGAEA is an independent publishing
house founded in 1991 to focus on the
natural history of the Earth and on her...