To ensure compliance with the main articles of the UN CRC, to check new and existing legislation, to make suggestions to the government for improvements, to promote and publicise the rights of children and to provide an independent contact point for...
The Children's Ombudsman has started work at the beginning of 2011, and is be part of the Office of the National Ombudsman. He is responsible for ensuring that children's rights are respected by government authorities and promotes the rights of...
Promotes the interests of, and acts as a voice for children who have concerns about provincial government services. The CAO engages in public education, works to resolve disputes and conducts independent investigations. The CAO also recommends...
• Promotes the rights and interests of children and young people as set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the CRC) • Monitors the implementation of the CRC• Promotes the application of the CRC in the work of...
Promote awareness of the rights of children/young people in Scotland, with particular emphasis on the rights set out in the CRC. Monitor the law, policy and practice for effectiveness in relation to the rights of children/young people. Promote best...