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The United Nations Children's Fund , UNICEF is the largest development agency dedicated to working exclusively with children. UNICEF works with other UN agencies , governments and non-government organisations and with the private sector to provide...
To enhance the national capacity for
continuous and progressive realisation of all
child rights. Programming interventions are
focused on enhancing life skills of young
people, particularly to prevent HIV infection;
protecting children from...
To support activities which help achieve the objectives laid out in the convention on the rights of the child.Primary areas of work: Primary education, health, information systems, juvenile justice and children in need of special protection.
The Country Programme (2001-2005)
is focussed on: maternal and child
wellbeing, child development, young
people's health and development,
children in need of special protection,
social policy development. UNICEF-assisted programmes are...
The 2002-2006 UNICEF Cuba country
office programme will promote the
right of children and adolescents to
survival, development, protection
and participation, taking into
consideration the priorities identified
in the areas of health, nutrition...
The most important purpose is to satisfy children's needs and their human rights such as nutrition, health, education and water and sanitation. An important aspect of UNICEF Colombia is the 'Children's Movement for Peace in Colombia'. UNICEF
The full realisation of children's right to life, survival, development and the full realisation of all social and economic and political and civil rights, particularly as expressed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF/ESARO/RE