Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda lie on the edge of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, in the Leeward Islands. Since gaining independence, the Bird family have been dominant in national politics, and it was not until 2004 that a President emerged from outside of the family. Many of the most serious issues affecting children’s rights relate to juvenile justice, in the context of which, life imprisonment and corporal punishment are both legal.

For more information please see the Child Rights Wiki

Quick Facts

9050070Population2800021.657458563536Population under 157405757.281657458564Number of internet users
67 Human development index

Research and Monitoring

Policy and Advocacy

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing
18 Sep 2015
Our research indicates that in Antigua and Barbuda, people may be sentenced to life imprisonment and corporal punishment...
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30 Jun 2015
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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