Poverty and Economics

NEW ZEALAND: 'Never again' - the public investigation into historical abuse in state care
15/Aug/2018 Publication
How care leavers in New Zealand pushed the government to conduct an independent investigation into the root causes of systemic failings in the country’s care system.
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MONDE : Près de 385 millions d’enfants vivent dans l’extrême pauvreté
6/Oct/2016 News
D’après une étude conjointe du Groupe de la Banque mondiale et de l’UNICEF, les enfants ont deux fois plus de risques que les adultes de vivre dans l’extrême pauvreté.
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ENVIRONMENT: CRIN submission for the CRC's Day of General Discussion on 'children’s rights and the environment'
29/Jul/2016 Publication
The submission contributes information on the different aspects of children’s access to justice in relation to rights violations resulting from environmental damage.  
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UNITED STATES: Combatting climate change with the public trust doctrine
17/Dec/2015 Publication
A group of children brought a petition to Washington’s Department of Ecology, asking them to adopt a rule to limit carbon emissions in their state. After being denied and then ignored they appealed against the Department’s rulemaking process claiming that, to be effective, it would have to be in line with up-to-date climate science.
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APATRIDIE : pas le droit d’avoir des droits
7/Oct/2015 Publication
Contents: Introduction - International law and the special protected status of children - Why are children stateless? -...
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DISCRIMINATION : Roms et droits de l’enfant
7/Oct/2015 Publication
Menu: Introduction | How are Roma discriminated against? | Roma children | Opportunities for redress and advocacy |...
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ZIMBABWE: Children born out of wedlock equally entitled to inheritance, court rules
2/Jul/2015 News
The High Court judge ruled that the common law practice of excluding children born out of wedlock in inheritance matters was discriminatory.
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UNICEF: 'Progress for Children Beyond Averages - Learning from the MDGs'
30/Jun/2015 Publication
This eleventh edition of Progress for Children is UNICEF’s final report on the child-related Millennium Development Goals ...
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