La Cour suprême chilienne a demandé au Vatican de lui remettre tous les documents qui ont permis au pape François d'affirmer l'innocence d'un évêque chilien soupçonné d'avoir fermé les yeux sur des abus sexuels sur des enfants commis par un prêtre pendant plusieurs décennies.
United Nation's peacekeepers in Central African Republic were hit on Wednesday with fresh accusations of sex abuses uncovered by a Thomson Reuters Foundation investigation amid growing concern about a failure to combat sexual misconduct.
Submission to the OHCHR for the preparation of the report on "Protection of the family and the contribution of families in realising the right to an adequate standard of living".
A report from Augeo Foundation and the Dutch Children's Ombudsman on tackling violence against children in Europe, to coincide with the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children's 2015 theme of Violence against Children.
The Afghan government says it has "undertaken serious measures" to prevent "abominable" child sexual abuse following a report alleging the practice was rife among the country's armed forces and militias.