Judicial use of physical punishment

CHILDREN IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAW: Ten-Point Plan for Fair and Effective Criminal Justice for Children
24/Feb/2012 Publication
Summary: The Ten-Point Plan focuses on ways that law and policy makers and criminal justice practitioners can respond...
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Les formes de violences
14/Nov/2011 Publication
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VIOLENCIA: Se considera fiable el testimonio de los niños víctimas de abuso
27/Sep/2011 News
Summary: El testimonio de los niños de tres a seis años víctimas de abusos sexuales o maltrato tiene una fiabilidad de...
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STATE VIOLENCE: How Israel takes its revenge on boys who throw stones
30/Aug/2011 News
Summary: The Independent draws on Israel's repressive methods of combatting protest from Palestinians by systematically...
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BOTSWANA: Youth dies after flogging
24/Aug/2011 News
Summary: A 15-year-old schoolboy has died in Botswana from injuries caused by flogging - a sentence handed down by village...
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