Definition of childhood

FRANCE : Dans la «jungle» évacuée, plus de 200 mineurs restent sur le carreau
27/Oct/2016 News
Alors que la préfète du Pas-de-Calais Fabienne Buccio annonce que sa «mission» est «remplie», 200 mineurs restent sur le carreau. 
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Children rights behind bars: Human Rights of children deprived of liberty – Improving monitoring mechanisms
Mon, 15/02/2016 - 09:45 Event
Defence for Children International (DCI)-Belgium is glad to invite you to the European Final Conference “CHILDREN’S RIGHTS...
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UN: Children's rights and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
2/Dec/2015 Publication
Ahead of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, this new report calls on the UN to address the rights of children with disabilities with the same consistency and rigour as adults’ rights. 
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SAUDI ARABIA: More than 50 people, including several arrested as children, will reportedly be executed soon
30/Nov/2015 News
Saudi Arabia allegedly plans to execute more than 50 people convicted of terrorism, including two sentenced as children, two Saudi newspapers reported this week.
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EUROPE: Sexual rights and risks among youth online
26/Oct/2015 News
Children and youth are one of the fastest-growing groups of internet users, bringing them great opportunities – but also new risks.
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NIGERIA : abandon des poursuites contre une adolescente accusée d'avoir tué son mari
26/May/2015 News
Le parquet nigérian a abandonné mercredi les poursuites contre une adolescente de 15 ans accusée d'avoir empoisonné son mari de plus de vingt ans son aîné avec de la mort aux rats.
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NIGERIA: Child bride murder charges dropped
21/May/2015 News
The 15-year-old girl that has killed her 20 years older husband after a forced marriage will not be prosecuted for murder. 
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PANAMA: Menores de 18 años de edad no podrán contraer matrimonio
6/May/2015 News
Según la legislación actual las edades mínimas son 14 años para las niñas, y 16 años para los niños.
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