Complaints procedures

РУМЫНИЯ: Иск НПО, бросившей вызов халатности в государственных интернатах
10/May/2017 Publication
Оставленный матерью в младенческом возрасте, Валентин Кампеану в конечном итоге умер в румынском доме-интернате. Две НПО подали жалобу в ЕСПЧ с целью привлечь к ответственности Румынию и не допустить подобных случаев в будущем.
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Механизм коллективных жалоб Европейской социальной хартии
2/May/2017 Guide Section
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ENVIRONMENT: CRIN submission for the CRC's Day of General Discussion on 'children’s rights and the environment'
29/Jul/2016 Publication
The submission contributes information on the different aspects of children’s access to justice in relation to rights violations resulting from environmental damage.  
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ROMANIA: The ‘legal black hole’ for children in institutions
20/Jul/2016 Publication
Abandoned by his mother at birth, Valentin Câmpeanu eventually died in a Romanian orphanage. Two NGOs brought a case to the European Court of Human Rights to get accountability for the way he was treated and to help prevent similar abuses.
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EURO 2016: Children's rights champions of Europe
10/Jun/2016 Publication
A lot has been written about the footballing form and potential of the 24 nations competing in France, but which nation is Europe's children's rights champion?
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CIDH: Comunicado de la REDLAMYC ante la grave crisis financiera de la organización de derechos humanos
30/May/2016 News
Difundimos el pronunciamiento de la REDLAMYC ante la grave crisis financiera que enfrenta la CIDH y que amenaza su normal funcionamiento, y a la vez la debida defensa de los derechos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe
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SOUTH AFRICA: Human Rights Commission urges ban on corporal punishment
22/Jan/2016 News
A total ban on corporal punishment may be enacted in South Africa after the country’s Human Rights Commission recommended the measure to the cabinet earlier this week.
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CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: UN peacekeepers face new allegations of sexually abusing children
6/Jan/2016 News
UN peacekeepers are facing new allegations of sexual abuse in the Central African Republic involving four young girls, according to the UN spokesman.
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Les enfants dans le système judiciaire militaire israélien
7/Oct/2015 Publication
Palestinian children are routinely and systematically subjected to a harsh military justice regime.
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