Access to justice

Глобальный отчет CRIN о доступе к правосудию - теперь на русском языке!
19/Mar/2018 News
В докладе проанализированы эффективные, неэффективные, радикальные и революционные способы, с помощью которых дети могут получить доступ к правосудию во всем мире. В докладе также предлагается отчет о государстве-утопии и рейтинг стран мира.
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Realising Rights? The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Court
17/Jan/2018 Publication
A new report that looks at the ways the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has influenced courts around the world in their treatment of cases concerning abuses of children’s rights.
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HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CRIN's submission on the draft guidelines of the Special Rapporteur
13/Nov/2017 Publication
This submission was made to inform the Special Rapporteur's guidelines on Human Rights and the Environment. While...
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D.M.D. v. Romania
Tue, 03/10/2017 - 12:00 Instrument
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CAMEROUN : Accès des enfants à la justice
28/Sep/2017 Publication
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CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CRIN's submission for the Special Rapporteur's report
15/Sep/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input on the report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment's...
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The Christian Institute and others v. The Lord Advocate (Scotland)
Thu, 28/07/2016 - 17:00 Instrument
Case concerning legislation that provided for the sharing of private information between public agencies to promote the well-being of children.
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A v. Hoare
Wed, 30/01/2008 - 12:45 Instrument
Case concerning limitation periods for child sexual abuse.
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4/Jul/2017 Guide Section
While many authorities can tolerate some traditional campaigning methods, it is usually harder to ignore the law. As part...
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