3. Development of comprehensive strategies or agendas for children

JAPAN: Child Rights under Japanese Law
11/Feb/2010 Publication
Summary: This report analyses Japan's compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its two Optional...
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Children in the Union - Rights and Empowerment: A conference of the Swedish Presidency of the EU on child victims in the criminal justice procedure
Thu, 03/12/2009 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Held under the Swedish presidency of the European Union, this conference will examine the difficulties faced by...
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Segregation of Roma Children in Education - Addressing Structural Discrimination through the Race Equality Directive
3/Nov/2009 Publication
Summary: This report portrays the issues facing Roma children in education across the EU as resulting from structural...
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Courts and the Legal Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Comparative Experiences of Justiciability
2/Nov/2009 Publication
Summary: This report assesses the main arguments against the justiciability of economic, social andcultural rights, and...
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MALTA: Annual Report 2008
12/Oct/2009 Publication
Summary: An annual report of the activities of the Commissioner for Children (Malta) in 2008.Owner: Commissioner for...
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ARMED CONFLICT: Children as Zones of Peace: Mainstreaming the OPCRC-AC in the Southeast Asian Region
25/Sep/2009 Publication
Summary: The report provides the outcomes of the discussion during the workshop which was attended by government...
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PERÚ: Documento Defensorial N° 4 ¡ADIÓS AL CASTIGO! La Defensoria del Pueblo contra el Castigo Físico y Humillante a Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes
16/Jul/2009 Publication
Summary: En la Serie Documentos Defensoriales – Documento Nº 4 “¡Adiós al Castigo! La Defensoría del Pueblo contra el...
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VIOLENCE: Children's Rights Platform launched
10/Jun/2009 Publication
Summary: Report from the Council of Europe's launch of a platform on children's rights with a focus on ending violence...
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OPT: National Plan of Action for Palestinian Child (Arabic)
7/Jun/2009 Publication
فلسطين: الخطة الوطنية للطفل الفلسطيني...
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