Our organization name has changed to EDUCO, website where they can download the report for respective countries. Another option is to assign a person in the headquarters who will download the reports and send them to the country offices.
Promotion of the presence,
participation and co-responsibility of
catholic women in society. WUCWO
currently prioritises
women and health, violence against
women and children, equal rights for
girl children.Union mondiale des Organisations...
To emphasize the role of the mother
in the life of the family and in the
natural development of the child; to
help mothers assume fully their
family and social responsabilities; to
represent mothers on the national
and international scene; to...
To emphasize the role of the mother
in the life of the family and in the
natural development of the child; to
help mothers assume fully their
family and social responsabilities; to
represent mothers on the national
and international scene; to...
UNESCO was created to contribute to peace and security by encouraging collaboration between countries through education, science, culture and communication.In December 2002, the UN General Assembly established a UN Decade of Education for...
UNESCO was created to contribute to peace and security by encouraging collaboration between countries through education, science, culture and communication.In December 2002, the UN General Assembly established a UN Decade of Education for...
UNESCO was created to contribute to peace and security by encouraging collaboration between countries through education, science, culture and communication.In December 2002, the UN General Assembly established a UN Decade of Education for...
UNESCO was created to contribute to peace and security by encouraging collaboration between countries through education, science, culture and communication.In December 2002, the UN General Assembly established a UN Decade of Education for...
UNESCO was created to contribute to peace and security by encouraging collaboration between countries through education, science, culture and communication.In December 2002, the UN General Assembly established a UN Decade of Education for...
What is UNESCO?UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for...