Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children's rights and global advocacy efforts, as well as gives digest of news and resources from countries of Eurasia....
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: Campaigning for presidential election has reached schools (Russian)
Предвыборная агитационно-пропагандистская кампания в Азербайджане дошла и до школ. В Баку, в Сумгаите и в других регионах страны учащимся роздали брошюры о...
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: Will same sex couple be able to adopt children? (Russian)
Темы гомосексуальных взаимоотношений, браков между геями и лесбиянками и усыновление детей однополыми семьями неизменно вызывают жаркие дискуссии в обществе.
Summary: The sentencing of three Azerbaijani youth activists on 15 July to 15 days administrative detention is politically motivated and follow more than a dozen arrests of other opposition activists in Azerbaijan in recent months. ARTICLE 19...
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Azerbaijan vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms. Search CRIN's ratifications table to find regional instruments to which Azerbaijan is a party.
European Court of Human Rights...
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children's rights and global advocacy efforts, as well as gives digest of news and resources from countries of Eurasia....
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: Young offenders centre to be set up instead of juvenile prison (Russian)
В Азербайджане вместо воспитательного учреждения Пенитенциарной службы Министерства юстиции, известного как «детская колония», будет...
Summary: April 2nd marked World Autism Awareness Day, an observance designated to draw attention to the millions of people worldwide who struggle with autism. In Azerbaijan, families with an autistic child must cope with this difficult disorder with...
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: Internet use for children may become limited (Russian)
В Азербайджане может быть введено ограничение в связи с использованием детьми интернета. Об этом АПА сообщил председатель Комитета по социальной политике Милли Меджлиса...
Summary: It is believed that his activism was the real motivation behind his arrest. [8 October 2012] - The International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan (IPGA), coordinated by ARTICLE 19, is concerned about the arrest of Zaur Gurbanli, an activist...