[February 2015]
This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through...
[16 February 2015] - This paper contributes longitudinal research evidence on the impact of structural inequalities on children’s development within households and communities, the ways access to health, education and other key services...
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the CRC in national law, the status of children involved in legal proceedings, the legal means to challenge violations of children’s rights and...
Summary: Information about institutions in South Sudan that monitor children's rights.Children's Ombudspersons
Section 193 of the Child Act 2008 established the Independent Child Commission. The mandate of the Commission includes:
Summary: General overview of South Sudan's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to conduct further research. National laws on children's rights
Status of the CRC in national law
Article 9(3) of the...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow-up procedures. This does not include the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child which are...
Summary: Le rapport annuel du Secrétaire général sur les enfants et les conflits armés présente des informations sur les violations graves commises contre les enfants dans 22 situations de conflit. [Le 12 juin] - Le rapport comprend aussi ce...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does not include reports of child specific Special Procedures, such as the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child...
Summary: The government of South Sudan should increase efforts to protect girls from child marriage, Human Rights Watch has said. The country’s widespread child marriage exacerbates South Sudan’s pronounced gender gaps in school enrolment,...
Summary: Cette note décrit le contexte des conflits armés au Soudan et au Soudan du Sud et leur impact sur les enfants.Le Soudan a obtenu son indépendance en 1953, avec la fin de la domination anglo-égyptienne du pays. Depuis, des...