Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child will hold its 54th session in Geneva, Switzerland from 25 May - 11 June 2010. Listed below are alternative reports submitted for this session. ArgentinaCentro des Estudios Legales y Sociales y...
The issue of child abuse in developing countries is of utmost importance for designing policies directed to vulnerable children and aimed at combating the worst forms of child labour. Unfortunately there is limited empirical basis for formulating...
Amnesty international on Tuesday denounced an increase in attacks against Indigenous Peoples across Colombia during 2009, which is leaving many communities struggling for survival.The organization blamed guerrilla groups, the security forces...
Summary: This study, entitled "Vicious Circles: Sexual Violence Against Young People in Cambodia, Colombia and Northern Uganda" is the result of strong cooperation amongst community organizations, researchers, practitioners and, most importantly,...
[NUEVA YORK, 9 de Septiembre de 2009] - Este informe ha sido preparado de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la resolución 1612 (2005), y se presenta al Consejo y su Grupo de Trabajo sobre los niños y los conflictos armados como primer informe...
[8 September 2009] – Despite significant Government efforts, children in Colombia continue to be killed, maimed, tortured, raped, recruited and abducted in the long-running conflict, mainly by illegal armed groups, a new United Nations report...
Summary: Informe complemetario al informe de Estado colombiano al Comité de Derechos del Niño 1998-2003Cloths and ClothesOnline content directoryLatest trends, fashion designers, shoes, handbags and all around fashiondocument.getElementById("stat")....
Summary: Reporte Internacional Humanitariosobre la Infancia afectada por la Guerra y la PobrezaMas de 250.000 niños y niñas en los Conflictos ArmadosDesde Colombia hasta Somalia…Presentación del Reporte Internacional Humanitariosobre la Infancia...
Summary: Uma análise do marco legal de 14 países latino-americanos, sob a perspectiva da promoção e proteção.Este paper elaborado pela ANDI e Rede ANDI América Latina com o apoio da Save The Children Suécia traz um mapeamento in...
Massive forced civilian displacements, violence, and unmet medical needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, and Pakistan, along with neglected medical emergencies in Myanmar and Zimbabwe, came under the spotlight in MSF's...