Summary: Kimasomaso, which means "to speak out boldly" in Kiswahili, is a weekly radio series which explores sexual and reproductive health issues with and by young people. Funding has come from the Ford Foundation. Issues that have been...
On average, eight out of every ten girls surveyed in these reports are being physically abused by the people who they are supposed to trust most. Almost every girl will be psychologically abused in one way or another. And the majority of girls will...
Summary: This report provides the results of the second in a series of four participatory research studies conducted with adolescents in war situations. Adolescents from both countries ranked as among their most urgent concerns:· Insecurity,...
This document provides an overall assessment of the conflict in northern Uganda and outlines recommendations for various actors. The authors highlight how after 20 years the war shows no real signs of abating, and every day it goes on it exacts a...
Summary: This study on children in abject poverty in Uganda was undertaken to identify the problems hidden by the fact that the children in poverty are invisible; yet by the very nature of their situation, they are included among those that are...
Summary: Vendredi 10 février, dans trois gares du pays, la Coalition belge contre l’utilisation d’enfants soldats, dont est membre Amnesty International, attirera l’attention sur les nombreux enfants enrôlés dans les groupes armés aux quatre coins...
Summary: With Ugandan elections on February 23 just weeks away, Save the Children is calling on the candidates to pledge support for its Children’s Manifesto and address the bleak situation faced by the nation’s children. The Manifesto was produced...
Summary: The protracted civil war in northern Uganda has ravaged the region for 19 years, at one point leaving up to 1.6 million people homeless, skyrocketing malnutrition rates among children, and costing more than $100 million per year. This...
Summary: Article reporting on experiences arising from preliminary activities under ESEPAF's new "Inclusion and school-exchange" programme initiated by ESEPAF's member teachers, in which they have planned a school-community-mapping project. The...
Summary: About 600 million children worldwide are growing up in absolute poverty. Over 10 million children under 5 years of age die every year. Nearly 1 billion children will be growing up with impaired mental development by 2020. id21 insights #56...