The Media Literacy Network is a Hellenic non-profit organisation founded on 2004 in Athens. Its aim is to activate, promote, and develop projects in the fields of media literacy and audiovisual education. It continues the activities of...
Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow without the burden of exploitative work. Global March is a movement to mobilise worldwide efforts to protect and promote the...
The Task Force on Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents in & by Hospitals and Health Services was established within the International Health Promoting Hospitals Network, with the mission to 'apply Health Promoting Hospitals' principles...
A southern European country bordering Albania, The Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey, Greece includes a continental mainland and over 1400 islands. After a period of civil war and authoritarian military rule, Greece adopted a new democratic...
Summary: En marge de l'affaire Maria en Grèce, le gouvernement irlandais faisait face, jeudi 24 octobre, à des accusations de discrimination ethnique. Après avoir retiré mercredi deux enfants blonds à leurs parents roms, les autorités leur ont...
[24 de octubre de 2013] -
El misterio que rodea el caso del "Ángel Rubio" en Grecia ha llamado la atención sobre la difícil situación de millones de gitanos que viven en los márgenes de la sociedad en...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow-up procedures. This does not include the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child which are...
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Greece vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms. Search CRIN's ratifications table to find regional instruments to which Greece is a party.
European Court of Human Rights
Greece is...
Summary: La Grèce a été condamnée jeudi par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) pour avoir instauré, dans un bourg du centre du pays, une école réservée aux enfants roms, une pratique que la Cour qualifie de «ségrégation ethnique» et qui...
Summary: Greek authorities are discriminating against Roma children and violating their right to education, the European Court on Human Rights unanimously ruled yesterday in the case of Lavida and Others v Greece. Amnesty International calls on...