[2 de mayo de 2012] - Alrededor de mil alumnos de primaria fueron hospitalizados en varias ciudades de Turquía tras tomar leche en mal estado, la cual fue distribuida en las escuelas dentro de un...
Summary: Hundreds of school children are hospitalised in a number of cities across Turkey, right after they are given free milk as part of a recent project. Government officials say the children are not poisoned, but ‘affected’. [3 May 2012] - ...
Summary: Amid heated discussions over how to reform juvenile detention centers after allegations of serious abuse in Adana’s Pozantı prison came into the media spotlight in March, the Ministry of Justice is working on new projects to replace...
[9 February 2012] - The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure which was adopted at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, will be open for signature at a signing...
Summary: Le régime turc a arrêté plus de 960 personnes au cours du mois de février, a déclaré la Fondation des Droits de l’Homme en Turquie (TIHV), attirant l’attention sur la situation des enfants emprisonnés.[Le 13 mars 2012] - Selon le...
Summary: The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, as well as several other partners such as the Justice Academy of Turkey, are joining forces to roll out a 3,15 Million “Justice for Children” project, funded by the EU and...
[27 February 2012] - Juveniles detained because they "threw stones" during demonstrations were put in cells together with convicts who allegedly abused and raped them dozens of times at the Pozantı Prison in Adana.
Summary: Since 1990, 477 children have been killed by land mines, bombs and random gunfire. [16 February 2012] - Fifty children were killed in Turkey by land mines, bombs and random gunfire in 2011, according to a report titled “Children...
This 22nd annual World Report summarises human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide in 2011. It reflects extensive investigative work that Human Rights Watch staff has undertaken during the year, often in close...
Summary: Young people from all across Turkey joined the workshop to share their thoughts on children's rights and how to best incorporate their vision in the new Constitution.[2 February 2012] - Young people from around the country on Thursday...