Summary: This edition includes articles about violence against children in Darfur, asks if East Africa is the worst place to be a child, and information about the Day of the African Child.pdf:
Summary: El Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe ofrece acceso a veintinueve manuales en diversas temáticas juveniles. Entre los temas se encuentran: • Manual para la Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Derechos...
This issue includes:* AMWCY: 7th African Meeting of Working Children and Youth.* Angola: sensitization campaign in 5 markets of Luanda* Burkina Faso: partners of AWCY/Gaoua support training activities and sensitization of WCYs* Burundi: workshop on...
Summary: Les réponses actuelles à la crise alimentaire sont un échec pour les pauvres d’Afrique.Après 5 décennies au cours desquelles Oxfam s’est attachée à apporter une réponse aux crises alimentaires, l...
After five decades of responding to food crises, Oxfam today asks the international community to seriously examine whether current approaches are working. Oxfam’s new report argues that new thinking and more action are needed if we are to...
Dans ce numéro:MAEJT : la 7ème Rencontre Africaine des EJT va débuterBurkina Faso : 23 EJT dont un blessé réussissent leur examen Côte d'Ivoire : formation environnementale / caravane pour la paix / atelier...
Today, on the Day of the African Child, Save the Children is highlighting serious risks to children’s safety in drought-affected areas of East Africa.The impact of water shortages on malnutrition rates is well-documented but the charity is...
Summary: In depth coverage of Africa's food crisis, including daily news items, key facts and figures, and an interactive map.pdf:
Save the Children is launching the Ouch campaign to remind the G8 leaders of the promises they made last year. To make politicians listen, stick the Save the Children OUCH plaster where everyone can see it and stick your hand up for free...
[LONDON, 30 May 2006] - A British-based charity has called for international donors to give specific long-term support to African nations in providing free healthcare. In Paying with their Lives: The Cost of Illness to Children in Africa, Save the...