Located at the northern tip of South America, Colombia is the only country on that continent with a coastline on both the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. Four decades of internal armed conflict fuelled by the drug trade has taken its toll on the...
Summary: Children in Colombia have been marked as targets for killing, victimized by sexual violence, lured into the ranks of combatants, used as informants, driven from their homes, deprived of access to humanitarian assistance and education and...
This report summarises individual observations and direct requests issued by the ILO Committee of Experts related to child labour conventions. To view the full reports, go to the ILOLEX database (http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/) and click...
Summary: Le rapport annuel du Secrétaire général sur les enfants et les conflits armés présente des informations sur les violations graves commises contre les enfants dans 22 situations de conflit. [Le 12 juin] - Le rapport comprend aussi ce...
Summary: This briefing paper provides a background of the armed conflict in Colombia and its impact on children.
Historical background
The internal conflict
The descent into civil war
The peace agreements and the new...
Summary: Ce document d’information présente un contexte historique du conflit armé en Colombie et son impact sur les enfants.
Le contexte historique
Le conflit interne
L’origine de la guerre civile
El conflicto interno armado en Colombia data del período de “La Violencia”, que sucede tras el asesinato del líder político Jorge Eliécer Gaitán el 9 de abril...
El acceso de los niños a la justicia requiere que todos ellos puedan participar plenamente en los procedimientos judiciales, independiente de cómo entren en contacto con la ley. En general, la idea es que los ni...
Summary: Colombia’s laws on violence against women are not adequately protecting victims displaced by the armed conflict, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. Approximately two million internally displaced women and girls face...
Summary: A recent study found that in the last four years, 18,000 children have been forced to join guerrilla groups and paramilitaries in Colombia, most of them reporting abuses and atrocities.[15 October 2012] - Sara Morales is in her early...