Article 6: Survival and development

RIGHT TO HEALTH: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's report on the Sustainable Development Goals
16/Oct/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the...
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RIGHT TO LIFE: CRIN's submission on the draft General Comment of the ICCPR
16/Oct/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input on the draft General Comment of the Human Rights Committee on the right to life...
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UKRAINE: State had no right to remove children of blind parents
28/Jun/2017 Publication
Two blind parents argued against the removal of their seven children and claimed that the authorities were obliged to provide financial support to help them, all the way up to the European Court of Human Rights.
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КЕНИЯ: Нубийские дети и борьба за гражданство
7/Jun/2017 Publication
Уже более века нубийцы живут на территории Кении, но до сих пор они не признаны гражданами этой страны. В результате, в вопросах, касающихся получения доступа к основным услугам, они сталкиваются со значительными ограничениями и дискриминацией.  
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TOXICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: CRIN's submission for the SR's guide on good practices
15/May/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the forthcoming guide on good practices of the Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights.
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