Article 6: Survival and development

BRAZIL: Organisations call on State to reject bill to lower age of criminal majority
22/Jun/2015 News
Statement by civil society organisations calling on the government of Brazil to refrain from adopting the draft constitutional reform bill proposing to lower the age of criminal majority from 18 to 16 years of age.
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/Jun/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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MALTA: Gov't launches new policy to help schools address needs of trans, intersex students
16/Jun/2015 News
Activists have welcomed the policy, which recommends an end to gender segregation in schools through things like uniforms, sports lessons, as well as facilities like toilets. 
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CENTRAL AMERICA: Gang violence fuelling child marriage, researchers say
15/Jun/2015 News
Although there is little data on the impact of gang violence on child marriage, anecdotal evidence shows girls are getting married and coupled with gang members, which they see as a form of protection from gang violence and intimation from other gangs. 
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ENVIRONMENT: International human rights law and fracking
15/Jun/2015 Publication
This report demonstrates how the international human rights framework can be used to initiate rights-based advocacy against human rights violations that result from the harm caused by hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
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CANADA : La Commission Vérité et Réconciliation qualifie de "génocide culturel" la scolarisation forcée des enfants aborigènes
15/Jun/2015 News
Les Canadiens ont pris conscience du désastre causé par la scolarisation forcée de dizaines de milliers d’Amérindiens et d’Inuits de 1870 à 1970.
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ONU: Rapport du Secrétaire Général sur le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé
15/Jun/2015 Publication
Le rapport du Secrétaire Général de l'ONU sur le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé est sorti. 
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LABOUR RIGHTS: Child labour and protecting working children
11/Jun/2015 Publication
Ahead of the World Day against Child Labour on 12 June, CRIN looks at whether in countries where child workers will work with or without labour protections, is a blanket ban on child work the best way of guaranteeing children's interests? 
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FRANCE: 3 millions d'enfants sous le seuil de pauvreté
11/Jun/2015 News
Plus de 3 millions d'enfants, soit un sur cinq, vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté en France, 30.000 sont sans domicile, 9.000 habitent des bidonvilles et 140.000 décrochent de l'école chaque année, s'alarme l'Unicef dans un rapport publié mardi.
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