Article 38: Armed conflicts

RDC : rapport d'HRW sur la prise pour cible d'écoles
2/Nov/2015 Publication
Le présent rapport décrit la manière dont les écoles sont devenues la cible des attaques menées par les groupes armés engagés dans des conflits armés dans l’est de la RD Congo.
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Les enfants dans le système judiciaire militaire israélien
7/Oct/2015 Publication
Palestinian children are routinely and systematically subjected to a harsh military justice regime.
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The Year in Children's Rights: CRIN's 2014-15 annual report
6/Oct/2015 Publication
CRIN’s annual report wastes no time regurgitating blurb about who we are and what we do. Instead, we present a global picture of children’s rights, wrapping up the past year’s new or persisting issues around the world. 
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FRANCE : Deux ados partis en douce en Syrie pourraient être jugés pour « terrorisme »
21/Sep/2015 News
En janvier 2014, deux adolescents de 15 et 16 ans étaiens partis de leur propre chef en Syrie. Le parquet de Paris a rendu son réquisitoire définitif, dans lequel il demande le renvoi de A. et Y. devant le tribunal pour enfants pour « participation à un groupement terroriste ».      
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International Conference on Impact of Armed Conflict and Terrorism on Children
Sat, 07/02/2015 - 09:45 Event
The African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) and the International...
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SRI LANKA: Child recruitment, attacks on civilians among rights violations documented by UN
18/Sep/2015 Publication
A new report by the United Nations has identified patterns of grave violations in Sri Lanka between 2002 and 2011, and recommends the establishment of a hybrid special court to ensure that justice is served.
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UK: Nations using child soldiers are invited to British arms fair
14/Sep/2015 News
The UK is selling arms to countries where child soldiers are routinely used or where youngsters are targeted in war zones. 
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Syria & Iraq: The Chemical Weapons Curse
11/Sep/2015 News
Reports have emerged of continues of chemical weapons use across the Syrian - Iraq border, by both the  Islamic State militant group and the Syrian government.
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CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: New sexual abuse allegations against French soldiers
3/Sep/2015 News
Fresh allegations have come to light about sexual abuse of children by French soldiers in the Central African Republic.      
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DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Government will investigate peacekeepers following CAR rape allegations
27/Aug/2015 News
The Democratic Republic of Congo will investigate three of its soldiers serving in the peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic after allegations of rape were made against them.
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