Article 38: Armed conflicts

RAPPORT : What Lies Beneath
15/Май/2018 Publication
En tant qu'ONG, nous posons-nous assez souvent la question de savoir si ce que nous faisons est bien ce que nous devrions faire ? Notre travail est-il nécessaire, répond-t-il à un besoin ?  
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REPORT: What Lies Beneath
14/Мар/2018 Publication
As NGOs, how often do we question whether what we’re doing is what we ought to be doing? In other words, is our work needed and necessary? Here are CRIN's thoughts on this question. 
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ЮНИСЕФ: Миллион детей в Украине нуждается в срочной гуманитарной помощи
20/Фев/2017 News
Количество детей, нуждающихся с срочной гуманитарной помощи в связи с конфликтом в Донбассе увеличилось почти вдвое по...
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VIOLENCIA: '10 años más tarde - Progreso y demora mundial en acabar con la violencia contra los niños'
27/Янв/2017 Publication
Un nuevo informe del Consejo Internacional de ONG sobre la Violencia contra las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes que expone el progreso y la demora mundial desde que se realizó el primer Estudio de la ONU sobre la violencia contra los niños. 
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What does 'radicalisation' mean for children’s rights in different regions?
23/Янв/2017 Publication
Here we look at how the term 'radicalisation' is used and what it means for children in the United Kingdom, Francophone countries, the Middle East and North Africa and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.  
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International NGO Council on Violence Against Children: 10 years on - Global progress & delay in ending violence against children
14/Дек/2016 Publication
A new report from the International NGO Council on Violence Against Children tracking progress and delay in the ten years since the first UN Study on Violence Against Children.
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Mapping the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
17/Ноя/2016 Publication
It has been recognized widely that all 17 Sustainable Development Goals are relevant for children but how do they...
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ARMED CONFLICT: Comments on the draft Policy on Children of the Office of the Prosecutor
1/Ноя/2016 Publication
The comments were submitted jointly with Child Soldiers International in response to the call for input of the Office of...
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Une frontière arbitraire : document de réflexion sur les âges minimums
20/Окт/2016 Publication
Un nouveau document de réflexion qui passe en revue l'utilisation et l'utilité des seuils d'âge dans le contexte de quelques questions de droits de l'enfant controversées.  Le document révèle le caractère parfois incohérent, discriminatoire et arbitraire des âges minimums.  
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